Wednesday, April 11, 2012

General: Top 5 highest paid jobs

Highest paid jobs
Have you ever wondered which jobs are better paid?
Well i have too, and i reached an answer.
The first thing you should know is that the list below shows expected paychecks, some people get more, others receive less.
Also i am not counting outliers, like football players or singers or even entrepreneurs, these are average paychecks in the US.

5- Dentist:
Average income: 130.000$/year
Training time: 8 years

4- Airline pilot:
Average income: 130.000$/year
Training time: 5 to 10 years

3- Engineering Manager:
Average income: 140.000$/year
Training time: 6 to 7 years

2- CEO (chief executive officer):
Average income: 140.000$/year
Training time: Undetermined (Varies too much)

1- Surgeon
Average income: 140.000$+/year
Training time: 10 to 15 years

Even though surgeon is the highest paid profession doesn't mean it's the right choice, for the time that you take to have enough skills to be a surgeon you have unbelievably high expenses, so the training time and expenses that you have for that time are also relevant.
I did not set the expenses because they are extremely variable on all these professions.

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